Saturday, May 19, 2012

changes over time

I found the above old sketches from the start of the year and decided to finish them off and ink & paint them, the result is really boring to me. These illustrations look slow and careful but still sloppy, they're impersonal. It's a bad sign to be bored by your own work but I think it's positive because how I draw and what I want to draw has changed so much in the past 6 months.

Composition of sketchbook sketches and print design from about halfway through the school year

I feel a lot less restrained when I draw now, I'm having more fun and am able to get ideas out more quickly, it's so important to keep a sketchbook to scribble in whenever. Drawing fast and simply helps create a visual shorthand that can be (hopefully) developed into an improved style. Visual communication itself is a form of language, it continues to be refined as our visual vocabulary grows, it feels natural for it to be dynamic and changing as we try to find our "voice". Some recent quick sketches from my small notebook:

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